John Bump &
Michael Moore
Tel: 714-644-7245
388 Turnpike Drive
Minneapolis, MN 56120

What happens if a married man gets another woman pregnant?

If a man fathers another woman's child while he is married, his wife is not the legal mother of that child. As the legal father of the children born during his marriage, a husband may have custody and parenting time. He may also be responsible for providing child support and health insurance.

Why did my husband chose the other woman?

Your husband might convince himself that this new love with his mistress is more real than the love he feels for you. So, if he feels he has to make a choice between the love you have for each other and the love he feels for this other woman, he might choose the other woman.

Who gets the baby in a divorce?

Generally in most states, both parents continue to have joint legal custody after divorce, meaning both parents have equal rights to make child-rearing decisions. However, courts may award sole legal custody to one parent under some rare circumstances.

Can a mother lose custody for dating a felon?

While dating a felon does not automatically mean you will lose custody of your child, the child's other parent can use it as an argument against you in court. The child's other parent may argue that the child is in danger due to your dating partner, or that the fact you are dating a felon makes you an unfit parent.

Do stay at home moms get alimony?

Stay-at-home mothers can often collect long-term alimony until they are remarried or if their ex-husband dies. The amount of alimony a stay-at-home mom obtains in a divorce is dependent on each spouse's finances and a stay-at-home mother's financial needs.

How do I leave my marriage with no money?

Start by calling the office closest to you. If they can't offer money or other help, ask them for three other numbers to call. Call your church, and talk to your pastor. Don't just ask for financial and spiritual support; ask for practical resources that can help you leave.

How do I get a divorce with no income?

If you are wondering how to file for divorce with no money, you will be relieved to know your state has an indigent divorce or fee waiver procedure that will allow you to file for divorce and ask the court to waive all of the court fees associated with the process.